It Just Means More: Auburn Kicked Indiana's Ass In Hoops And Then Brutally Mocked Everything About IU On Twitter

I know this is going to go over some people's head, but allow me to introduce why this is incredible. 

Just straight up mocking these guys after kicking Indiana's ass is how you do it. This is what I want more out of from all the social media accounts. No more posting stats or the score. Give me making fun of an entire program. Don't get me wrong, it was an ass kicking. 

Another incredible tweet since anyone from Indiana has said this to you at least once in their life, if not more. I mean, hey, at least Mike Woodson won the press conference. That was fun for a year. No word on that translating to shooting or wins yet. Tough to tell! But this is about Auburn, not just me making fun of Indiana. Their fanbase is well-known as fucking insane on college basketball Twitter. They flood accounts after wins, they use memes, they are relentless. It's now translating to the official team account. 

Do you know the process it took to get this video ready, wait for the game to end and have it at your disposal? That's dedication. You have nothing to do but applaud that sort of effort and hope that other major schools do it more. You win, you get to do what you want. Always a plus to mock the This is Indiana song. 

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